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Be a published author

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

“How would it feel to be a published author?”

I am looking for 5 people who are ready to achieve the dream of writing their own book.

You will write your book, have it professionally edited, then you will have your book published on Amazon.

This is a new program being introduced by myself, to help writers, have their story published. I need some special people to help me with this, potential authors who are serious about having a published book, and who have always needed to write a book.

6 or 7 years ago, I would never have had the self-belief that I could write a book, never mind having a book published.

I now have 4 traditionally published books with more on the way. I also have 2 novels as part of my trilogy self-published on Amazon.

· Have you been unsure where to begin?

· Is it a natural fear keeping you back?

· A fear of failure, of not being good enough?

· Fear of being stung, as previous attempts have cost you money with no book at the end?

· Lack of time, too busy or just procrastination?

· Are you scared of criticism or the negative opinions of others?

· Perhaps you just have a lack of knowledge which you can learn?

Most writers CAN finish the book that needs to be started. You could be one of these writers and you can have your book completed.

It is within your reach, with some application and good guidance, you can do it!

Don’t be the one who says “I done a book once, never got it finished.”

We all have our story; you are the only person stopping your book.

Working with a trusted team, I have produced books to a high standard, that I would never have thought possible.

I have been asked to speak on many podcasts, had my first book launch that attracted many people. Now I have had 2 non-fiction books on an Amazon best-sellers list.

I am now looking to pass on the knowledge gained over many years and through many mistakes made, to help you to write and produce your own book.

Just like me, what you once may have thought impossible, can be achieved as you “Write with Ron.”

The old saying is very true that with my help, if I can do it then, so can you.

I’ve decided to put together a brand-new beta ‘Client Acquisition’ programme to help writers to use my proven and tested methods to produce their own book.

This is going to be a powerful transformation of you as the writer. With my method, you will produce your own book. I guarantee by the end of my training you will have a wonderful completed book, ready for upload to Amazon.

And as one of the first five pioneers, I am going to thank you by creating everything bespoke and customised, just for you!

You’re going to get direct, one-to-one access to me and we’re going to tackle every problem you have together.

Once this programme is complete, I will be charging far north of £3000 and it won’t include my personal one-to-one time or customised attention at anywhere near the level you’re going to get.

This new programme to help you write and have edited then published book on Amazon, is being offered at a fraction of the eventual price. Your book can be fiction or non-fiction, it is your book and your choice. Your royalties and your copyright.

If you wish to have your own book, then do not hesitate, or put this off any longer.

Nothing will change unless you act.

Join with the authors who have trodden this path before you.

If you are serious and really want that book, then contact me, either here or by email that can be found on this website.

Please no timewasters, I can only work with people who are serious, I need people who are committed, passionate and who really want to be a published author. Get in touch with me now, to begin your own book journey, follow my course step by step, completing all tasks and you will have your book published on Amazon. That, I can guarantee.

I am looking forward to working with you, remember the time to do this is right now.

I have done this; I can show you how.

Some people wish it would happen, some want it to happen, while some make it happen. Contact me now.

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