You may or not be aware that we have now started up a library of old & new ship photographs which we hope you will enjoy.
We are starting with a category for Ship Photographs which is for a general look in no particular order of a wide range of old & new pictures. Some wil be ships built at Leith, while most will be ships from around the World.
You may even find some that you have been looking for or you may have sailed or served on one of these vessels.
Perhaps you have a family member who may have sailed or served on one of the many ships that we will now feature in this general category.
With time and resource this library will build into a very good resource for research or general interest.
Should you the reader have any old ship photographs that you may wish to see on the internet as part of this ships library then please contact
We will be only to pleased to include them here.
Argonaut was an auxiliary ketch that was built in 1947
All types of ship will be shown in this general category. So please have a wee browse through the gallery now.